鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
haemoglobinuria 血色素尿 [けっしきそにょう]
/(n) hemoglobinuria/haemoglobinuria/EntL2422090X/
haemophilia 血友病 [けつゆうびょう]
/(n) haemophilia/(P)/EntL1255400X/
haemophiliac 血友病患者 [けつゆうびょうかんじゃ]
/(n) hemophiliac/haemophiliac/EntL1669790X/
出血性の人 [しゅっけつせいのひと]
/(n) bleeder/haemophiliac/hemophiliac/EntL1338790X/
haemoprotein ヘムタンパク質;ヘム蛋白質 [ヘムタンパクしつ(ヘムタンパク質);ヘムたんぱくしつ(ヘム蛋白質)]
/(n) hemoprotein/haemoprotein/EntL2429960X/
haemorrhage 溢血 [いっけつ]
/(n,vs) hemorrhage/haemorrhage/EntL1844460X/
出血 [しゅっけつ]
/(n,vs) (1) bleeding/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/(2) bleeding money/red ink/selling below cost/(P)/EntL1338750X/
haemostasis 止血 [しけつ]
/(n,vs,adj-no) stop bleeding/hemostasis/haemostasis/EntL1310690X/
hafnium ハフニウム
/(n) hafnium (Hf)/EntL1096130X/
haft 柄 [つか]
/(n) hilt (of a sword)/haft (of a dagger)/handgrip/EntL1508310X/
hag お婆ん [おばん]
/(n) (See おばあさん・2) old maid/frump/hag/old woman/EntL1002560X/
鬼婆;鬼ばば;鬼ばばあ [おにばば(鬼婆;鬼ばば);おにばばあ(鬼婆;鬼ばばあ)]
/(n) hag/witch/bitch/penurious or spiteful old woman/termagant/virago/EntL1651440X/
婆;婆あ(ik) [ばば(婆);ばばあ]
/(n) (1) (See 祖母) old woman/(2) (ばば only) (See ババ抜き) old maid (undesirable card in the card game of the same name)/(3) (ばばあ only) (derog) hag/bitch/EntL1471500X/
妖婆 [ようば]
/(n) hag/old witch/EntL1818830X/
hagfish 盲鰻 [めくらうなぎ;メクラウナギ]
/(n) (uk) hagfish (esp. the species Myxine garmani from Japan)/EntL2193510/
haggard 面窶れ [おもやつれ]
/(n,vs) care-worn/haggard/EntL1812370X/
haggard from love 恋疲れ [こいづかれ]
/(n) haggard from love/EntL1559010X/
haggardness 憔悴 [しょうすい]
/(n,vs) (1) emaciation/haggardness/wasting away/(2) exhaustion/tiredness/EntL1566930X/
窶れ [やつれ]
/(n) (uk) emaciation/gauntness/haggardness/EntL2602640/
haggis ハギス
/(n) haggis (traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep's offal cooked in the animal's stomach)/EntL2516880/
haggling 駆け引き(P);駆引き;掛け引き;懸引き [かけひき]
/(n) (1) bargaining/haggling/(2) tactics/strategy/(P)/EntL1590130X/
hagoita 胡鬼板 [こぎいた]
/(n) (See 羽子板) battledore/hagoita/EntL2625700/
hah フッ
/(int) (1) hah (derisively)/pooh/(adv-to) (2) (on-mim) pfft (of something disappearing)/poof/(3) (on-mim) huff/puff/EntL2558020/
haikai 俳諧;誹諧 [はいかい]
/(n) (abbr) (See 俳諧の連歌) haikai (humorous or vulgar renga poetry)/EntL1471990X/
俳諧の連歌(oK) [はいかいのれんが]
/(n) haikai (humorous or vulgar renga poetry)/EntL2098180/
haiku 句 [く]
/(n,n-suf) (1) section (i.e. of text)/sentence/passage/paragraph/(2) {ling} phrase/(3) verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry)/(4) haiku/first 17 morae of a renga, etc./(5) maxim/saying/idiom/expression/(P)/EntL1243940X/
俳句 [はいく]
/(n) haiku/17-mora poem, usu. in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 morae/(P)/EntL1471900X/
無点 [むてん]
/(n) (1) (See 訓点・くんてん) kanji without kanbun assistance markings/(2) poetry, haiku, etc. without comments or corrections/(adj-na) (3) meaningless/incomprehensible/EntL2637410/
haiku flavor 俳味 [はいみ]
/(n) subdued taste/refined taste/haiku (poetic) flavor (flavour)/EntL1471960X/
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