鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
back entrance 搦手;搦め手 [からめて]
/(n) (1) rear gate (esp. of castle)/back entrance/(2) one who arrests/(3) force attacking the rear of a castle/(4) (opponent's) weak point/EntL1567670X/
back facing 後ろ向き(P);後向き [うしろむき]
/(n) (See 前向き) back facing/turning one's back to/pessimistic/(P)/EntL1269640X/
back fence 裏囲い [うらがこい]
/(n) back fence/EntL1550210X/
back gate 後門 [こうもん]
/(n) back gate/EntL1678710X/
裏門 [うらもん]
/(n) back gate/(P)/EntL1550740X/
back gear バックギヤ
/(n) back gear/EntL2478480/
back handspring バク転;バック転 [バクてん(バク転);バックてん(バック転)]
/(n,vs) (See 後転跳び) backward somersault/back handspring/backflip/EntL2056290X/
後転跳び [こうてんとび]
/(n) (See バク転) back handspring (gymnastics)/EntL2436910/
back hip circle 逆上がり [さかあがり]
/(n) (gymnastics) pulling oneself upward with a forward, circling movement/back hip circle/EntL1693350X/
back issue バックナンバー
/(n) back issue (of a publication)/back-number/EntL1098950X/
back lane 裏道 [うらみち]
/(n) back lane/secret path/unfair means/(P)/EntL1550530X/
back leaf 裏扉 [うらとびら]
/(n) back leaf/EntL1860560X/
back light バックライト
/(n) back light/backlight/backlite/backup light/EntL2003560X/
back margin バックマージン
/(n) back margin/EntL1099040X/
back number 旧号 [きゅうごう]
/(n) old name/back number/EntL1230670X/
旧刊 [きゅうかん]
/(n) back number/old edition/EntL1230500X/
back numbers of a monthly 月遅れ;月後れ [つきおくれ]
/(n) (1) a month or older/(2) back numbers of a monthly/EntL1255760X/
back of a chair 榻背 [とうはい]
/(n) back of a chair/EntL2181990/
back of a leatherbound book 背革;背皮 [せがわ]
/(n) back of a leatherbound book/EntL1740630X/
back of a sword 刀背 [とうはい;みね(gikun)]
/(n) (See 棟・むね・2) back of a sword/EntL1582250X/
棟 [むね]
/(n) (1) (often むな as a prefix) ridge (of roof)/(2) (See 刀背) back of a sword/(suf,ctr) (3) counter for buildings, apartments, etc./(P)/EntL1448350X/
back of hand 甲 [こう]
/(n) (1) carapace/shell/(2) 1st in rank/grade A/(3) instep/back of hand/(4) the A party (e.g. in a contract)/the first party/(P)/EntL1578730X/
back of head 後頭部 [こうとうぶ]
/(n) back of head/EntL1269970X/
back of house 裏手 [うらて]
/(n,adj-no) back of house/EntL1550320X/
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