鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
dairy cattle 乳牛 [ちちうし;にゅうぎゅう]
/(n) milk cow/dairy cattle/milch cow/EntL1582720X/
dairy farm 酪農場 [らくのうじょう]
/(n) dairy farm/EntL1548910X/
dairy farmer 酪農家 [らくのうか]
/(n) dairy farmer/EntL1548900X/
dairy industry 乳業 [にゅうぎょう]
/(n) dairy industry/EntL1465040X/
dairy produce 酪農製品 [らくのうせいひん]
/(n) dairy produce/EntL1548920X/
dairy product 酪製品 [らくせいひん]
/(n) dairy product/EntL1548880X/
dairy products 乳製品 [にゅうせいひん]
/(n) dairy products/(P)/EntL1465260X/
乳酪 [にゅうらく]
/(n) dairy products (esp. butter)/EntL1465400X/
dais 上段 [じょうだん]
/(n) (1) upper tier/upper section/upper deck/upper row/upper step/upper grade/upper berth/top shelf/(2) (See 上座) place of honor/place of honour/(3) (See 上段の間) dais/raised part of floor/(4) overhead position (of a sword in kendo, etc.)/EntL1353870X/
dais for a Buddhist image 須弥壇 [しゅみだん]
/(n) dais for a Buddhist image/EntL1882230X/
daisho 大小 [だいしょう]
/(n,adj-no) (1) sizes (various)/large and small/(2) daisho (matched pair of long and short swords)/(3) large and small drums/(4) long months and short months/(P)/EntL1414110X/
daisy デージー
/(n) daisy/EntL1081180X/
/(n) daisy/Erigeron annuus/EntL2160740/
雛菊;ひな菊 [ひなぎく]
/(n) daisy/EntL1708160X/
daisy chain デージーチェーン
/(n) {comp} daisy chain/EntL2309450X/
daisy chain connection いもづる接続;芋蔓接続 [いもづるせつぞく]
/(n) {comp} daisy chain connection/EntL2277320X/
デージーチェーン接続 [デージーチェーンせつぞく]
/(n) {comp} daisy chain connection/EntL2309460X/
daisy cutter bomb 破砕性爆弾 [はさいせいばくだん]
/(n) daisy cutter bomb/EntL1999720X/
daisy family キク科;菊科 [キクか(キク科);きくか(菊科)]
/(n) (uk) (See 菊) Asteraceae, Compositae (plant family)/aster family/daisy family/sunflower family/EntL2216840/
daisy parrotfish ハゲブダイ
/(n) bullethead parrotfish (Chlorurus sordidus, was Scarus sordidus)/daisy parrotfish/EntL2533430/
daisy-chain デイジーチェーン
/(n) {comp} daisy-chain/EntL2312230X/
daisy-wheel printer デージーホイールプリンタ
/(n) {comp} daisy-wheel printer/EntL2309470/
daisywheel printer デイジーホイールプリンタ
/(n) {comp} daisywheel printer/EntL2312240X/
daka- ダカ
/(n) daka-/10^1/da/(P)/EntL1077030X/
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鍋田辞書P(NabetaJisho P) Ver 1.3 (C) 2010-2014
大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
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