鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
year's plan 年間計画 [ねんかんけいかく]
/(n) year's plan/EntL1731160X/
year-ago month 前年同月 [ぜんねんどうげつ]
/(n) same period of last year/the same month a year ago/year-ago month/EntL2623080/
year-before period 前年同期 [ぜんねんどうき]
/(n) year-before period/corresponding period of previous year/same period a year ago/EntL2623070/
year-end 暮れ(P);暮(io) [くれ]
/(n-t,adj-no,n-suf) (1) (ant: 明け・1) sunset/sundown/nightfall/dusk/(2) end/close/(3) year-end/end of the year/(P)/EntL1514950X/
year-end bonus 年末賞与 [ねんまつしょうよ]
/(n) year-end bonus/bonus salary given at the end of the year/EntL2570970/
year-end drinking party 年忘れ [としわすれ]
/(n) year-end drinking party/EntL1469190X/
year-end fair 年の市 [としのいち]
/(n) year-end fair/EntL1468120X/
year-end gift お歳暮(P);御歳暮 [おせいぼ]
/(n) (See 歳暮) end of the year/year-end gift/(P)/EntL1612670X/
歳暮 [せいぼ]
/(n) (See お歳暮) end of the year/year-end gift/(P)/EntL1295000X/
year-end market 歳の市 [としのいち]
/(n) year-end market/EntL1805980X/
year-end office closing 御用納め;ご用納め [ごようおさめ]
/(n) (See 御用始め) year-end office closing (usu. Dec. 28)/EntL1270750X/
year-end party 忘年会 [ぼうねんかい]
/(n) year-end party/(P)/EntL1519280X/
year-end tax adjustment 年末調整 [ねんまつちょうせい]
/(n) year-end tax adjustment/EntL1731010X/
year-round fashion イヤラウンドファッション
/(n) year-round fashion/EntL1021900X/
year-round mating season 年中発情期 [ねんちゅうはつじょうき]
/(n) year-round mating season/EntL2634260/
yearbook イヤーブック;イアブック
/(n) yearbook/EntL1021840X/
卒アル [そつアル]
/(n) (abbr) (See 卒業アルバム) classbook/yearbook/school graduation album/EntL2120800/
卒業アルバム [そつぎょうアルバム]
/(n) classbook (lit: graduation album)/yearbook/EntL2395230/
年報 [ねんぽう]
/(n) annual report/yearbook/EntL1469180X/
年鑑 [ねんかん]
/(n) yearbook/almanac/annual/(P)/EntL1468370X/
yearling 当歳馬 [とうさいば]
/(n) yearling/EntL1943950X/
当歳駒 [とうさいごま]
/(n) yearling/one-year-old colt/EntL1896860X/
yearly 毎年 [まいとし(P);まいねん(P)]
/(n-t) every year/yearly/annually/(P)/EntL1584360X/
yearly amount 年分 [ねんぶん]
/(n) yearly amount/EntL1469130X/
年額 [ねんがく]
/(n) yearly amount/(P)/EntL1468330X/
yearly high 年初来高値 [ねんしょらいたかね]
/(n) yearly high (stocks)/EntL2530550/
yearly paid vacation 年休 [ねんきゅう]
/(n) yearly paid vacation (holiday)/EntL1954230X/
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