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単語 訳語
waiting for a traffic light 信号待ち [しんごうまち]
/(n) waiting for a traffic light/EntL1883840X/
waiting for another chance to enter a university ろにん(ik)
/(n) (1) (misspelling of ろうにん) (See 浪人) ronin/wandering samurai without a master to serve/(2) out of work/(3) waiting for another chance to enter a university/EntL2037110X/
浪人 [ろうにん]
/(n,vs,adj-no) (1) ronin/wandering samurai without a master to serve/(2) out of work/(3) waiting for another chance to enter a university/(P)/EntL1560780X/
waiting for customers 客待ち [きゃくまち]
/(n,vs) waiting for customers/EntL1685380X/
waiting for favorable wind 風待ち [かざまち;かぜまち]
/(n,vs) waiting for favorable wind/waiting for favourable wind/EntL1664090X/
waiting for favourable wind 風待ち [かざまち;かぜまち]
/(n,vs) waiting for favorable wind/waiting for favourable wind/EntL1664090X/
waiting for key-in キー入力待ち [キーにゅうりょくまち]
/(n) {comp} waiting for key-in/EntL2292370X/
waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear 百年河清 [ひゃくねんかせい]
/(exp) waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear/waiting in vain for an unlikely event/waiting for pigs to fly/When the sky falls, we shall catch larks/EntL2052550X/
waiting for orders 待命 [たいめい]
/(n) waiting for orders/EntL1661060X/
waiting for performers or celebrities to arrive 入り待ち;入待ち [いりまち;はいりまち]
/(n) (sl) (See 出待ち) waiting (e.g. at the stage door) for performers or celebrities to arrive/EntL2540040/
waiting for performers or celebrities to exit 出待ち [でまち]
/(n) (sl) (See 入り待ち) waiting (e.g. at the stage door) for performers or celebrities to exit/EntL2540050/
waiting for pigs to fly 百年河清 [ひゃくねんかせい]
/(exp) waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear/waiting in vain for an unlikely event/waiting for pigs to fly/When the sky falls, we shall catch larks/EntL2052550X/
waiting for the rising tide or a good opportunity 潮待ち [しおまち]
/(n,vs) waiting for the rising tide or a good opportunity/EntL1696360X/
waiting for the sun 日待ち [ひまち]
/(n) (See 月待ち・つきまち) waiting for the sun (traditional all-night event of worship and neighbourhood fellowship)/EntL2244940/
waiting game ウエーティング
/(n) (abbr) waiting game/EntL1926030X/
waiting impatiently for 待ち切れない [まちきれない]
/(adj-i) waiting impatiently for/EntL1633640X/
waiting in front of a temple to be accepted for training 庭詰 [にわづめ]
/(n) {Buddh} waiting in front of a temple to be accepted for training (in Zen Buddhism)/EntL2597720/
waiting in place of someone else 代待ち [だいまち]
/(n) waiting in place of someone else/EntL1412070X/
waiting in vain 待ち惚け;待ちぼうけ [まちぼうけ]
/(n) waiting in vain/EntL1410530X/
waiting in vain for an unlikely event 百年河清 [ひゃくねんかせい]
/(exp) waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear/waiting in vain for an unlikely event/waiting for pigs to fly/When the sky falls, we shall catch larks/EntL2052550X/
waiting list キャン待ち [キャンまち]
/(n) (abbr) (sl) (See キャンセル待ち) waiting list (waiting for someone to cancel)/EntL2118700X/
キャンセル待ち [キャンセルまち]
/(n) waiting list (waiting for a cancellation)/EntL2118640X/
予約待ちリスト [よやくまちリスト]
/(n) waiting list/EntL2627570/
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