鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
sacredness 神聖 [しんせい]
/(adj-na,n) holiness/sacredness/dignity/(P)/EntL1364730X/
不可侵 [ふかしん]
/(n) inviolability/sacredness/nonaggression/(P)/EntL1491460X/
sacrifice サクリファイス
/(n) sacrifice/EntL1056500X/
犠牲 [ぎせい]
/(n) victim/sacrifice/scapegoat/(P)/EntL1225450X/
供犠 [くぎ]
/(n) sacrifice/sacrificial animal/EntL1871800X/
身代わり(P);身代り [みがわり]
/(n) substitute (for)/sacrifice (of, to)/scapegoat (for)/(P)/EntL1365760X/
生け贄;生贄 [いけにえ]
/(n) sacrifice/scapegoat/EntL1830690X/
捧げ物;奉げ物(iK) [ささげもの]
/(n) (See いけにえ) offering/sacrifice/EntL1853170X/
捧物 [ほうもつ;ほうもち]
/(n) (arch) (See 捧げ物) offering/sacrifice/EntL2584010/
贄;牲 [にえ]
/(n) (1) (arch) offering (to the gods, emperor, etc.)/(2) gift/(3) sacrifice/EntL2229650/
sacrifice bunt サクリファイスバント
/(n) sacrifice bunt/EntL1056510X/
犠牲バント [ぎせいバント]
/(n) (See セーフティーバント) sacrifice bunt/EntL2243230X/
sacrifice fly サクリファイスフライ
/(n) sacrifice fly/EntL1056520/
犠飛 [ぎひ]
/(n) sacrifice fly (baseball)/(P)/EntL1614600X/
犠打 [ぎだ]
/(n) sacrifice fly/bunt/(P)/EntL1225470X/
犠牲フライ [ぎせいフライ]
/(n) sacrifice fly/EntL1990370X/
sacrifice goods 投げ物;投物 [なげもの]
/(n) sacrifice goods/liquidation (shares)/things thrown (out)/EntL1599460X/
sacrifice hit サクリファイスヒット
/(n) sacrifice hit/EntL2495170/
犠牲打 [ぎせいだ]
/(n) (See 犠打) sacrifice hit/EntL2243210X/
sacrifice sale 捨売り;捨て売り;棄て売り [すてうり]
/(n,vs) sacrifice sale/selling for a song/dumping/EntL1322380X/
叩き売り [たたきうり]
/(n) sacrifice sale/EntL1836940X/
sacrifice something small in order to save something great 大の虫を生かして小の虫を殺す [だいのむしをいかしてしょうのむしをころす]
/(exp) (id) sacrifice something small in order to save something great/lose a leg to save one's life/let a large bug live and kill a small one/EntL2572500/
大の虫を生かして小の虫を殺せ [だいのむしをいかしてしょうのむしをころせ]
/(exp) (id) sacrifice something small in order to save something great/lose a leg to save one's life/let a large bug live and kill a small one/EntL2572960/
sacrificed piece 捨て駒;捨駒 [すてごま]
/(n) sacrificial pawn/sacrificed piece (in shogi)/EntL2423280/
sacrificed stone 捨て石;捨石;棄て石;棄石(io) [すていし]
/(n) (1) ornamental garden stone (seemingly placed randomly to give the garden a more natural appearance)/(2) (See 捨て駒) sacrificed stone (in the game of go)/EntL1711390X/
sacrificial animal 供犠 [くぎ]
/(n) sacrifice/sacrificial animal/EntL1871800X/
sacrificial bullock 犠牛 [ぎぎゅう]
/(n) sacrificial bullock/EntL1871240X/
sacrificial pawn 捨て駒;捨駒 [すてごま]
/(n) sacrificial pawn/sacrificed piece (in shogi)/EntL2423280/
sacrificing to create a shortage of liberties 追い落とし;追い落し;追落とし;追落し [おいおとし]
/(n) (1) chasing down/pushing down/deposing/ousting/(2) sacrificing to create a shortage of liberties, then capturing (in the game of go)/EntL2643620/
sacrilege 冒とく;冒涜;冒讀(iK);冒瀆(oK) [ぼうとく]
/(n,vs) (uk) blasphemy/curse/profanity/sacrilege/desecration/EntL1603680X/
sacrilegious 勿体ない(P);勿体無い;物体ない;物体無い [もったいない]
/(adj-i) (1) (uk) impious/profane/sacrilegious/(2) too good/more than one deserves/unworthy of/(3) wasteful/(P)/EntL1605250X/
sacrum 仙骨;薦骨 [せんこつ]
/(n,adj-no) (1) sacrum/sacral bone/(2) (仙骨 only) hermitry/appearance of an hermit/unworldliness/unusual physique/outstanding appearance/EntL1387150X/
sad しんみり
/(adv,n,vs) solemn/serious/sad/heart-to-heart/EntL1005820X/
/(adj-na,n) (1) blue (colour, color)/(2) sad/down (in the dumps)/(P)/EntL1114310X/
哀れ気 [あわれげ]
/(adj-na) sad/sorrowful/pensive/EntL1150150X/
惨め(P);不見目(iK) [みじめ]
/(adj-na) miserable/wretched/unhappy/sad/pitiable/(P)/EntL1303280X/
寂々;寂寂 [せきせき;じゃくじゃく;さびさび]
/(adj-t,adv-to) sad/lonesome/desolate/EntL2559890/
愁い [うれい]
/(n) sad/unhappy/gloomy/EntL1332490X/
心悲しい;うら悲しい [うらがなしい]
/(adj-i) sad/mournful/melancholy/sorrowful/EntL2036200X/
嘆かわしい [なげかわしい]
/(adj-i) sad/wretched/deplorable/(P)/EntL1418060X/
沈痛 [ちんつう]
/(adj-na) grave/sad/mournful/sorrowful/pensive/EntL1431780X/
悲しい(P);哀しい(oK) [かなしい]
/(adj-i) sad/sorrowful/(P)/EntL1483190X/
悲愴 [ひそう]
/(adj-na,n) pathetic/sad/sorrowful/grievous/EntL1483370X/
物悲しい;もの悲しい;物哀しい [ものがなしい]
/(adj-i) sad/melancholy/EntL1642040X/
憂い [うい]
/(adj-i) unhappy/sad/gloomy/EntL1540730X/
憂わしい [うれわしい]
/(adj-i) wretched/sad/EntL2618960/
悄悄;悄々 [しおしお;しょうしょう;すごすご]
/(adj-t,adv-to) (uk) in low spirits/dejected/sad/EntL1005450X/
sad and depressed in manner しめやか
/(adj-na) quiet and subdued in appearance/solemn/sad and depressed in manner/soft/gentle/EntL2164430X/
sad circumstances 悲境;悲況 [ひきょう]
/(n) adversity/sad circumstances/EntL1664790X/
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