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単語 訳語
a broad avenue in the west 四神相応 [しじんそうおう]
/(n) an ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north/EntL2063560X/
a broken mirror can not be made to shine 落花枝に帰らず破鏡再び照らさず [らっかえだにかえらずはきょうふたたびてらさず]
/(exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine/what's done is done/there's no use crying over spilled milk/EntL1548670X/
a broken promise 背約 [はいやく]
/(n,vs) a broken promise/breaking one's word/EntL1740640X/
a brush movement where a horizontal line turns sharply downwards 転折 [てんせつ]
/(n) in calligraphy, a brush movement where a horizontal line turns sharply downwards/EntL2106860/
a brush with the law 警察沙汰 [けいさつざた]
/(n) a matter for the police/with the police involved/a brush with the law/EntL2044430X/
a builder 建築業者 [けんちくぎょうしゃ]
/(n) a builder/EntL1714370X/
a building 建築物 [けんちくぶつ]
/(n) a building/architectural structure/EntL1714330X/
a bulk sale 一括売買 [いっかつばいばい]
/(n) a bulk sale/buying and selling in bulk/EntL1728000X/
a bullring 闘牛場 [とうぎゅうじょう]
/(n) a bullring/EntL1692440X/
a bundle 一束 [いっそく;ひとたば]
/(n,adj-no) a bundle/a hundred/EntL1576240X/
a burden 足纏い;足まとい [あしまとい]
/(n) (See 荷物) someone or something that just gets in the way/a burden/EntL2394530/
a burn hole 焼け穴 [やけあな]
/(n) a burn hole/EntL1742640X/
a burner 火口 [ひぐち]
/(n) a burner/origin of a fire/(P)/EntL1724250X/
a burnt child dreads the fire 羹に懲りて膾を吹く [あつものにこりてなますをふく]
/(exp) (id) (obs) a burnt child dreads the fire/once bitten twice shy/to become over cautious from a bad experience/EntL2082570/
a buttercup 金鳳花 [きんぽうげ]
/(n) a buttercup/EntL1682480X/
a buyer's market 買い手市場 [かいてしじょう]
/(n) a buyer's market/EntL1752870X/
a capella アカペラ
/(n) a capella (unaccompanied choir or choral work) (ita: a cappella)/EntL1015050X/
a capitalist 資本主義者 [しほんしゅぎしゃ]
/(n) a capitalist/EntL1725590X/
a capriccio アカプリッチオ
/(n) a capriccio (ita:)/EntL2477330/
a captured piece than can be reused 持ち駒 [もちごま]
/(n) a captured piece than can be reused (shogi)/a person or object held in reserve/available means/EntL1770110X/
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