鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
a coupler 継ぎ手;継手 [つぎて]
/(n) a coupler/a splice/a successor/an heir/EntL1769640X/
a court banquet 御宴 [ぎょえん]
/(n) a court banquet/EntL1694490X/
a courtier 朝臣 [ちょうしん]
/(n) a courtier/EntL1696020X/
a cover-up 隠蔽工作 [いんぺいこうさく]
/(n,vs) (create) a cover-up/EntL2041890X/
a cracked pot 破れ鍋;割れ鍋 [われなべ]
/(n) a cracked pot/EntL1681680X/
a crease 折れ目 [おれめ]
/(n) a fold/a crease/EntL1385940X/
折り目;折目 [おりめ]
/(n) a fold/a crease (i.e. in trousers)/something done by convention/manner/EntL1589490X/
a crescent moon 新月 [しんげつ]
/(n) a new moon/a crescent moon/EntL1720200X/
a criminal 兇状持ち;凶状持ち [きょうじょうもち]
/(n) a criminal/EntL1591610X/
a critical biography 評伝 [ひょうでん]
/(n) a critical biography/(P)/EntL1752040X/
a cross 十文字 [じゅうもんじ]
/(n,adj-no) a cross/cruciform/EntL1335110X/
a cross between a Flame Tokay and a Neo Muscat 甲斐路 [かいじ]
/(n) bright red table grape, a cross between a Flame Tokay and a Neo Muscat/EntL2101380/
a crossbreed 交配種 [こうはいしゅ]
/(n) a crossbreed/EntL1760770X/
a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects 群臣 [ぐんしん]
/(n) a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects/EntL1667850X/
a crown of thorns 茨の冠 [いばらのかんむり]
/(n) a crown of thorns/EntL1972150X/
a crucial juncture ここ一番;此処一番 [ここいちばん]
/(n) the crucial moment/the moment of truth/a do-or-die situation/a crucial juncture/a crucial stage/EntL2045140X/
a crucial stage ここ一番;此処一番 [ここいちばん]
/(n) the crucial moment/the moment of truth/a do-or-die situation/a crucial juncture/a crucial stage/EntL2045140X/
a crusade 義戦 [ぎせん]
/(n) a crusade/holy war/EntL1756070X/
a curative effect 治療効果 [ちりょうこうか]
/(n) (medicine with) a curative effect/(having) therapeutic value/EntL1936840X/
a cut 切り目 [きりめ]
/(n) a cut/a notch/an end/conclusion/EntL1721490X/
切削 [せっさく]
/(n,vs) cutting/a cut/machining/EntL1646280X/
a cut above 一段上 [いちだんうえ]
/(n) a cut above/one step above/EntL2219170X/
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