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単語 訳語
a consideration 対価 [たいか]
/(n) compensation/equivalent value/a consideration/(P)/EntL1655380X/
a constant 恒数 [こうすう]
/(n) a constant (e.g. in science)/EntL1640230X/
a continent life 禁欲生活 [きんよくせいかつ]
/(n) an ascetic existence/(leading) a continent life/abstinence/EntL2044280X/
a contraceptive 避妊薬 [ひにんやく]
/(n) a contraceptive/EntL1751780X/
a convert 改宗者 [かいしゅうしゃ;かいそうしゃ]
/(n) a convert (e.g. to Buddhism)/EntL1931570X/
a convict 既決囚 [きけつしゅう]
/(n) (See 未決囚) a convict/convicted prisoner/EntL1790710X/
a cook 煮方 [にかた]
/(n) way of cooking/a cook/EntL1828830X/
料理番 [りょうりばん]
/(n) a cook/EntL1948560X/
a cool summer 冷夏 [れいか]
/(n) a cool summer/(P)/EntL1757800X/
a cooperative 生活協同組合 [せいかつきょうどうくみあい]
/(n) a cooperative/EntL1378870X/
a copy 引き写し;引写し [ひきうつし]
/(n) a copy/tracing/EntL1766160X/
a corner 株買い占め [かぶがいしめ]
/(exp,n) (See 買い占め・かいしめ) cornering the market/stock cornering/a corner/EntL2655340/
a cornered rat will bite a cat 窮鼠猫を噛む [きゅうそねこをかむ]
/(exp) (id) a cornered rat will bite a cat/despair turns cowards courageous/EntL2103200X/
a correspondent 投書家 [とうしょか]
/(n) (literary) contributor/a correspondent/EntL1692640X/
a council 参事会 [さんじかい]
/(n) a council/EntL1302370X/
評 [ひょう]
/(n,n-suf) (abbr) criticism/commentary/a council/(P)/EntL1489990X/
a counterproposition 逆命題 [ぎゃくめいだい]
/(n) a counterproposition/EntL1693460X/
a counting machine 計数管 [けいすうかん]
/(n) a counting machine/EntL1769600X/
a country being in a state of universal peace 千里同風 [せんりどうふう]
/(n) a country being in a state of universal peace/the world being peaceful and uneventful/EntL2049070X/
a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko in the third century AD 邪馬台国;耶馬台国 [やまたいこく;やばたいこく]
/(n) (arch) (orig. 邪馬壹國・やまいちこく) Yamataikoku/(Japanese history) a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko in the third century AD/EntL2077350X/
a couple アベック
/(n) a couple (of lovers, etc.) (fre: avec)/(P)/EntL1018310X/
a couple strangely but happily united 合縁奇縁;相縁機縁 [あいえんきえん]
/(n) a couple strangely but happily united/uncanny relationship formed by a quirk of fate/EntL1683820X/
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