鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
a close relationship 類縁関係 [るいえんかんけい]
/(n) (having) a close relationship (with)/EntL2055060X/
a close-up 大写し [おおうつし]
/(n,vs) a close-up/EntL1785360X/
a cloudy morning 朝曇り [あさぐもり]
/(n) a cloudy morning/EntL1696210X/
a clown 道化師 [どうけし]
/(n) (See ピエロ) a clown/EntL1770650X/
a clue 端緒 [たんしょ(P);たんちょ]
/(n) a clue/start/beginning/(P)/EntL1418890X/
a clutch 連動機 [れんどうき]
/(n) a clutch/EntL1781940X/
a cold 空っ風;乾っ風;からっ風 [からっかぜ]
/(n) a cold, strong, dry wind/EntL1675800X/
a cold Pacific wind 山背 [やませ]
/(n) cold wind descending from the mountains/(in the Tohoku region in summer) a cold Pacific wind/EntL1755350X/
a cold air mass 寒気団 [かんきだん]
/(n) a cold air mass/EntL1714640X/
a collection of the rain and three non-rain light cards 雨四光 [あめしこう]
/(n) (See 花札) (in hanafuda) a collection of the rain and three non-rain light cards/EntL2252470X/
a collection of three non-rain light cards 三光 [さんこう]
/(n) (See 花札) (in hanafuda) a collection of three non-rain light cards/EntL2252460/
a comeback 戦列復帰 [せんれつふっき]
/(n,vs) return to the battle line/come back to the game (on to the field)/a comeback/EntL2049110X/
a comic duo 漫才師 [まんざいし]
/(n) (one of) a comic duo/EntL1947250X/
a comic story 落語 [らくご]
/(n) rakugo story/(telling) a comic story/(P)/EntL1548720X/
a company union 御用組合;ご用組合 [ごようくみあい]
/(n) a company union/EntL1694020X/
a complainant 訴人 [そにん]
/(n,vs) a suitor/an accuser/a complainant/an informant/sue/accuse/EntL1397780X/
a complete turnabout via a single blow 一打逆転 [いちだぎゃくてん]
/(n) a complete turnabout via a single blow/EntL1727790X/
a compound 合成物 [ごうせいぶつ]
/(n) a compound/EntL1285010X/
a conjecture 推知 [すいち]
/(n,vs) a conjecture/EntL1712950X/
a considerable number 相当数 [そうとうすう]
/(n) a considerable number/a fair number/EntL1401250X/
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