鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
a certain somebody 誰かさん [だれかさん]
/(n) (col) (See 誰か) a certain somebody (usu. obvious who is being referred to)/EntL2250610/
a certain sum of money 某かの金 [なにがしかのかね]
/(n) a certain sum of money/some money/EntL1899160X/
a chain 一続き;ひと続き [ひとつづき]
/(n,adj-no) a chain (of)/a series (of)/EntL2216270X/
a change of clothes 御召し替え;お召し替え [おめしかえ]
/(n) (hon) changing one's clothes/a change of clothes/EntL2528760/
a charged particle 荷電粒子 [かでんりゅうし]
/(n) a charged particle/EntL1714590X/
a charm 神符 [しんぷ]
/(n) amulet/a charm/EntL1765390X/
a chat over tea 茶話 [ちゃわ;ちゃばなし;さわ]
/(n) a chat over tea/EntL1663140X/
茶飲み話 [ちゃのみばなし]
/(n) a chat over tea/EntL1711610X/
a check 勘定書 [かんじょうしょ]
/(n) a bill/a check/EntL1684710X/
a cherished hope 素懐 [そかい]
/(n) a cherished hope/EntL1749620X/
a child 一子 [いっし]
/(n) (1) a child/one child/(2) one of several children, especially the son and heir/(3) (See 一目・いちもく) one stone (in Go)/EntL1576075X/
a child dying before its parents 逆さ別れ [さかさわかれ]
/(n) a child dying before its parents/EntL2569570/
a child one has brought into the world 産みの子;生みの子 [うみのこ]
/(n) (1) one's child/a child one has brought into the world/(2) (arch) descendant/EntL2583490/
a chill runs down one's spine 背筋が寒くなる [せすじがさむくなる]
/(exp) a chill runs down one's spine/EntL1636860X/
a chorus 合唱曲 [がっしょうきょく]
/(n) a chorus/EntL1683790X/
a chronicle 編年史 [へんねんし]
/(n) a chronicle/EntL1732460X/
a cinch 河童の屁 [かっぱのへ]
/(n) a cinch/EntL1778500X/
御茶の子;お茶の子 [おちゃのこ]
/(n) a cinch/EntL1694380X/
a classic way of wrestling without using the belt 押し相撲 [おしずもう]
/(n) pushing sumo, a classic way of wrestling without using the belt/EntL2022270X/
a classification system 分類法 [ぶんるいほう]
/(n) a classification system/EntL1689280X/
a clear evening 夕晴れ [ゆうばれ]
/(n) a clear evening/EntL1739960X/
a close 終末 [しゅうまつ]
/(n,adj-no) an end/a close/(P)/EntL1333020X/
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