鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to survive
死に損なう [しにそこなう]
/(v5u) to fail to die/to survive/to outlive/EntL1849090X/
助かる [たすかる]
/(v5r,vi) (1) to be saved/to be rescued/to survive/(2) to escape harm/to be spared damage/(3) to be helped/to be saved trouble/(P)/EntL1344380X/
消え残る [きえのこる]
/(v5r,vi) to remain unextinguished/to survive/EntL1847670X/
食う(P);喰う;啖う(oK) [くう]
/(v5u,vt) (1) (male) (vulg) to eat/(2) to live/to make a living/to survive/(3) to bite/to sting (as insects do)/(4) to tease/to torment/to taunt/to make light of/to make fun of/(5) to encroach on/to eat into/to consume/(6) to defeat a superior/to threaten a position/(7) to consume time and-or resources/(8) (col) to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event)/(9) (male) (vulg) to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time/(P)/EntL1592100X/
生き残る [いきのこる]
/(v5r,vi) to survive/(P)/EntL1378560X/
生き長らえる [いきながらえる]
/(v1,vi) to live long/to survive/EntL1378580X/
生き延びる;生きのびる [いきのびる]
/(v1,vi) to survive/to live long/EntL1378530X/
生き続ける [いきつづける]
/(v1) (1) to carry on/to go on with one's life/(2) to keep alive/to stay alive/to survive/EntL2556490/
生き抜く [いきぬく]
/(v5k,vi) to live through/to survive/EntL1851550X/
生存 [せいぞん]
/(n) (1) existence/being/survival/(vs) (2) to exist/to live/to survive/(P)/EntL1379230X/
潜る [くぐる]
/(v5r,vi) (1) (uk) to drive/to pass through/to pass under/(2) to evade/to hide/(3) to survive/(P)/EntL1609710X/
凌ぐ [しのぐ]
/(v5g,vt) (1) to endure/to keep out (e.g. rain)/to stave off (e.g. starvation)/(2) to pull through/to get over/to survive/(3) to surpass/to outdo/to excel/to eclipse/to defy/to slight/(P)/EntL1554200X/

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大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
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