鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to refuse
拒む [こばむ]
/(v5m,vt) to refuse/to reject/to decline/(P)/EntL1232360X/
拒否る [きょひる]
/(v5r) (sl) to refuse/to reject/to deny/EntL2115960X/
御免蒙る;御免被る;ご免被る;ご免こうむる [ごめんこうむる]
/(exp,v5r) (1) (See 御免を蒙る・1) to receive permission/(2) to leave (with someone's permission)/to retire/(3) to refuse/to beg off doing/EntL1631910X/
御免を蒙る [ごめんをこうむる]
/(exp,v5r) (1) to receive permission/(2) (See 御免蒙る・2) to leave (with someone's permission)/to retire/(3) (See 御免蒙る・3) to refuse/to beg off doing/EntL2576420/
謝す [しゃす]
/(v5s) (1) (See 謝する) to thank/(2) to apologize/to apologise/(3) to say farewell/to retreat/to retire/(4) to refuse/(5) to pay back/to settle old scores/EntL2409980/
謝する [しゃする]
/(vs-s) (1) to thank/(2) to apologize/to apologise/(3) to say farewell/to retreat/to retire/(4) to refuse/(5) to pay back/to settle old scores/EntL1323000X/
蹴る [ける]
/(v5r,vt) (1) (orig. ichidan verb) to kick/(2) to refuse/to reject/(P)/EntL1333400X/
蹴飛ばす;蹴とばす [けとばす]
/(v5s,vt) to kick away/to kick off/to kick (someone)/to refuse/to reject/EntL1333440X/
断る(P);断わる [ことわる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to refuse/to reject/to dismiss/to turn down/to decline/(2) to inform/to give notice/to tell in advance/(3) to ask leave/to excuse oneself (from)/(P)/EntL1419570X/
突っ撥ねる;突っぱねる [つっぱねる]
/(v1,vt) to reject/to spurn/to turn down/to refuse/EntL2012590X/
否む [いなむ]
/(v5m,vt) to refuse/to decline/to deny/EntL1482910X/
撥ねる(P);刎ねる [はねる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to hit (e.g. to have a car hit someone)/to run into/(2) to reject/to deny/to refuse/(3) to eliminate/to exclude/to leave out/(4) to flip/to splash/to splatter/(5) (esp. 刎ねる) to decapitate/to behead/(6) to jump up/(7) (See 寝癖) to point or curl up (e.g. ends of hair)/(P)/EntL1611260X/

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鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語辞書