鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
/(prt) (1) from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity)/since/(2) from (originator)/(3) because/(4) out of (constituent, part)/(5) through (e.g. window, vestibule)/(6) after/since (following te-form verb)/(P)/EntL1002980X/
/(exp) now that/since/so long as/because/EntL2026610X/
/(exp) (1) even/for starters/(2) (emphatic form of から) so/therefore/(3) judging from/based on/(4) since/from/EntL2201610X/
/(exp) from (this, here, etc.)/since (this)/EntL2413600X/
この方;此の方 [このかた]
/(n-adv) (1) since/(pn,adj-no) (2) this person/EntL1663210X/
/(prt) (ksb:) (See ので,から・3) because/since/EntL2576150/
っ切り;っ限り [っきり]
/(prt) (1) (uk) (See 切り・きり・1) only/just/(2) (uk) (usu. in a negative sentence) since/(3) (uk) remaining (in a particular state)/EntL2253310X/
/(adv,prt) (1) from/out of/since/at/(2) than/(3) other than/except/but/(4) more/(P)/EntL1013190X/
以降 [いこう]
/(n-adv,n-t) on and after/as from/hereafter/thereafter/since/(P)/EntL1155110X/
以前に [いぜんに]
/(adv) ago/since/before/previously/heretofore/earlier/EntL1155160X/
以前(P);已前(oK) [いぜん]
/(n-adv,n-t) ago/since/before/previous/(P)/EntL1155150X/
以後(P);已後 [いご]
/(n-adv,n-t) (1) after this/from now on/hereafter/(2) (esp. after あれ, それ) thereafter/since (verb) (after -te form of verb)/after (time)/since (then)/(P)/EntL1155100X/
以来 [いらい]
/(n-adv,n-t) since/henceforth/(P)/EntL1155210X/
以後(P);已後 [いご]
/(n-adv,n-t) (1) after this/from now on/hereafter/(2) (esp. after あれ, それ) thereafter/since (verb) (after -te form of verb)/after (time)/since (then)/(P)/EntL1155100X/
後 [のち]
/(n,adj-no) (1) later/afterwards/since/(2) future/(3) after one's death/(4) (arch) descendant/(P)/EntL1269330X/
此方 [こなた;こんた(ok)]
/(n) (1) (こなた only) (uk) (See こちら・1) this way/here/(2) (こなた only) the person in question/he/she/him/her/(3) (こなた only) since (a time in the past)/prior to (a time in the future)/(pn,adj-no) (4) (こなた only) me/(5) you/EntL1004505X/
上 [うえ]
/(n,adj-no,n-adv,n-suf) (1) above/up/over/elder (e.g. daughter)/(2) top/summit/(3) surface/on/(4) before/previous/(5) superiority/one's superior (i.e. one's elder)/(6) on top of that/besides/what's more/(7) upon (further inspection, etc.)/based on (and occurring after)/(8) matters concerning.../as concerns .../(9) (as ...上は) since (i.e. "for that reason")/(n-suf) (10) (hon) (See 父上) suffix indicating higher social standing/(11) (arch) place of one's superior (i.e. the throne)/(12) (arch) emperor/sovereign/shogun/daimyo/(13) (arch) noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman)/(P)/EntL1352130X/
上は [うえは]
/(conj) now that/since/EntL2181810/
切り(P);限り;限(io) [きり]
/(n) (1) end/finish/stop/(2) (See 切りがない,切りのない) bounds/limits/(3) (esp. 限り,限) delivery date (of a futures contract)/(4) finale (of a noh song)/end of an act (in joruri or kabuki)/final performance of the day (in vaudeville)/(suf,ctr) (5) counter for slices (esp. thick slices)/counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat)/(prt) (6) (uk) (senses 6-8 are sometimes pronounced ぎり, esp. in old-fashioned speech) (See っ切り・っきり・1) only/just/(7) (uk) (usu. in a negative sentence) since/(8) (uk) remaining (in a particular state)/(P)/EntL1383800X/
来 [らい]
/(n) (1) next (year, etc.)/(2) since (last month, etc.)/(P)/EntL1547710X/

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