鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
或る時;ある時 [あるとき]
/(n) once (i.e. "once, when I was studying ..")/EntL1153610X/
一まず(P);一先ず;一先;ひと先ず [ひとまず]
/(adv) (uk) for the present/once/in outline/(P)/EntL1601990X/
一応(P);一往 [いちおう]
/(adv) once/tentatively/in outline/for the time being/just in case/so far as it goes/(P)/EntL1161170X/
一回 [いっかい]
/(n-adv) once/one time/one round/one game/one bout/one heat/one inning/(P)/EntL1161310X/
一頃 [ひところ]
/(n-adv,n-t) once/some time ago/EntL1162570X/
一時 [いちじ]
/(n-t) (1) one o'clock/(n-adv,n-t) (2) once/at one time/formerly/before/(n-adv,n-t,adj-no) (3) (in weather forecasts, indicates that a given condition will hold for less than one-quarter of the forecast period) for a time/for a while/for the time being/for the present/for the moment/temporarily/(n) (4) (See 一時に) a time/one time/once/(P)/EntL1576100X/
一切り;ひと切り [ひときり]
/(n) pause/period/step/once/some years ago/EntL1164180X/
一時 [いちじ]
/(n-t) (1) one o'clock/(n-adv,n-t) (2) once/at one time/formerly/before/(n-adv,n-t,adj-no) (3) (in weather forecasts, indicates that a given condition will hold for less than one-quarter of the forecast period) for a time/for a while/for the time being/for the present/for the moment/temporarily/(n) (4) (See 一時に) a time/one time/once/(P)/EntL1576100X/
一度(P);ひと度;一たび;一とたび(io) [いちど(一度)(P);ひとたび]
/(n-adv) (1) once/one time/on one occasion/(2) (ひとたび only) temporarily/for a moment/(3) (いちど only) one degree/one tone/one musical interval/(P)/EntL1576250X/
一旦 [いったん]
/(adv) (1) (uk) once/(2) for a moment/temporarily/(n) (3) (arch) one morning/(P)/EntL1164650X/
一朝 [いっちょう]
/(n-adv,n-t) temporarily/short period/once/one morning/EntL1164840X/
一遍 [いっぺん]
/(n-adv) (1) once/one time/(all at) once/in one sitting/(2) exclusively/only/alone/(P)/EntL1166450X/
一遍 [いっぺん]
/(n-adv) (1) once/one time/(all at) once/in one sitting/(2) exclusively/only/alone/(P)/EntL1166450X/
何時ぞや [いつぞや]
/(adv) (uk) once/some time ago/EntL1188820X/
嘗て(P);曾て;都て [かつて(P);かって(曾て)]
/(adv,adj-no) (1) (uk) once/before/formerly/ever/former/ex-/(2) (uk) never yet (with negative verb)/never before/first time/still not happened/(P)/EntL1581210X/
日外 [じつがい;にちがい]
/(adv) (obsc) at one time/some time ago/once/EntL2605340/

データ見出し数 485268



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