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high and low
貴賤;貴賎 [きせん]
/(n) high and low/all ranks/EntL1223630X/
貴賤貧富 [きせんひんぷ]
/(n) high and low, and rich and poor/EntL2043510X/
貴賤上下 [きせんしょうか;きせんじょうげ]
/(n) high and low/(people of) all ranks and classes/EntL2040280X/
軒輊 [けんち]
/(n,vs) high and low/disparity/EntL1714200X/
高低 [こうてい(P);たかひく]
/(n,vs) high and low/rise and fall/(P)/EntL1283810X/
上下 [うえした]
/(n) (1) top and bottom/up and down/high and low/above and below/upper and lower ends/(adj-no,n) (2) (See 上下になる) upside-down/(P)/EntL1352700X/
上下 [しょうか;じょうか]
/(n,vs) (1) top and bottom/up and down/high and low/above and below/upper and lower ends/(n) (2) (しょうか only) upper and lower classes/ruler and ruled/the government and the people/EntL1607350X/
上下 [じょうげ]
/(n) (1) top and bottom/high and low/above and below/upper and lower ends/up and down/(n,vs) (2) going up and down/rising and falling/fluctuating/(3) going and coming back/(n) (4) upper and lower classes/ruler and ruled/the government and the people/(5) first and second volumes/(P)/EntL1352710X/
尊卑 [そんぴ]
/(n) high and low/aristocrat and plebeian/EntL1406590X/
貧富貴賤 [ひんぷきせん]
/(n) rich and poor, high and low/people of all ranks/EntL2052640X/
裃;上下 [かみしも]
/(n) (1) samurai costume/old ceremonial costume/(2) (上下 only) (orig. meaning) top and bottom/up and down/high and low/above and below/upper and lower ends/EntL1607340X/

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オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

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