鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
/(aux-v) (1) indicates recollection or realization (i.e. of hearsay or the past)/can form a poetic past tense/(2) indicates continuation from the past to the present/(3) (also written with the ateji 鳧) end/conclusion/EntL2089610X/
/(n) outro/conclusion (music)/EntL2543580/
完了 [かんりょう]
/(n,vs,adj-no) (1) (See 完了形,完了相) completion/conclusion/(n) (2) {ling} perfect (tense, form, aspect)/(P)/EntL1211630X/
完結 [かんけつ]
/(n,vs) conclusion/completion/(P)/EntL1211440X/
帰着 [きちゃく]
/(n,vs) return/conclusion/EntL1221440X/
帰結 [きけつ]
/(n,vs) consequence/result/conclusion/EntL1221320X/
詰まり(P);詰り [つまり]
/(adv) (1) (uk) that is to say/that is/in other words/I mean/(2) (uk) in short/in brief/to sum up/ultimately/in the end/in the long run/when all is said and done/what it all comes down to/when you get right down to it/(n) (3) (uk) clogging/obstruction/stuffing/(degree of) blockage/(4) (uk) shrinkage/(5) (uk) (See とどのつまり) end/conclusion/(6) (uk) (arch) dead end/corner/(7) (uk) (arch) distress/being at the end of one's rope/(P)/EntL1610430X/
究竟 [くきょう]
/(n,adj-no) {Buddh} culmination/conclusion/EntL2414160X/
結語 [けつご]
/(n) conclusion/concluding remarks/EntL1254750X/
結び [むすび]
/(n) ending/conclusion/union/(P)/EntL1254610X/
決まり(P);決り;極まり;極り [きまり]
/(n,adj-no) (1) rule/regulation/(2) settlement/conclusion/end/agreement/arrangement/(3) (See 御決まり) habit/custom/habitual way/(4) (usu. as 決まりが悪い, etc.) (See 決まりが悪い) countenance in front of another person/face/(5) (arch) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute/(P)/EntL1609660X/
決着(P);結着 [けっちゃく]
/(n,vs) conclusion/decision/end/settlement/(P)/EntL1592630X/
結尾 [けつび]
/(n) end/close/conclusion/EntL1727510X/
結末 [けつまつ]
/(n) end/conclusion/(P)/EntL1255010X/
結論 [けつろん]
/(n,vs,adj-no) conclusion/(P)/EntL1255020X/
最後 [さいご]
/(n,adj-no) (1) last/end/conclusion/latest/most recent/(exp) (2) (after -tara form or -ta form followed by "ga") no sooner than/right after (often having negative consequences)/(3) (arch) (See 最期) one's final moments/(P)/EntL1293810X/
収まり(P);納まり;治まり [おさまり]
/(n) conclusion/end/settlement/(P)/EntL1852800X/
終決 [しゅうけつ]
/(n) ending/conclusion/EntL1698210X/
終局 [しゅうきょく]
/(n,adj-no) end/close/conclusion/denouement/finale/end of a game of go/(P)/EntL1332800X/
終着点 [しゅうちゃくてん]
/(n) final destination/last stop/end/conclusion/goal/EntL2608000/
成立 [せいりつ]
/(n) (1) coming into existence/arrangements/establishment/conclusion/completion/(vs) (2) to come into existence/to be true/to hold (i.e. hold true)/(P)/EntL1375880X/
切り上げ(P);切上げ;切りあげ [きりあげ]
/(n) (1) end/conclusion/(2) rounding up/(3) revaluation/(P)/EntL1591750X/
切り目 [きりめ]
/(n) a cut/a notch/an end/conclusion/EntL1721490X/
大尾 [たいび]
/(n) end/conclusion/finale/EntL1785840X/
大団円 [だいだんえん]
/(n) denouement/ending/conclusion/(grand) finale/EntL1785690X/
断案 [だんあん]
/(n) conclusion/decision/EntL1704950X/
断定 [だんてい]
/(n,vs) conclusion/decision/(P)/EntL1419740X/
段落 [だんらく]
/(n) (1) paragraph/(2) end/stopping place/conclusion/(P)/EntL1419980X/
着地点 [ちゃくちてん]
/(n) (1) landing place (for aircraft)/(2) common ground/compromise/agreement/conclusion/EntL2670920/
締めくくり;締め括り [しめくくり]
/(n) conclusion/end/completion/summing up/supervision/EntL1436580X/
締結 [ていけつ]
/(n,vs) (1) conclusion/execution (of a contract)/entering (into treaty)/(2) fastening (as in a joint)/(P)/EntL1436660X/
纏め [まとめ]
/(n) (uk) settlement/conclusion/summary/(P)/EntL1440920X/
纏まり [まとまり]
/(n) (1) unity/coherence/consistency/coordination/(2) settlement/conclusion/completion/EntL1440910X/
判断 [はんだん]
/(n,vs) judgement/judgment/decision/adjudication/conclusion/decipherment/divination/(P)/EntL1478620X/
付論;附論 [ふろん]
/(n) (obsc) conclusion/summing up (of a thesis or presentation)/EntL2595470/
予断 [よだん]
/(n,vs) guessing/prediction/conclusion/(P)/EntL1543210X/
落とし;落し [おとし]
/(n) (1) (abbr) dropping/losing/(2) missing item/something one forgot to write down/(3) trap/(4) wooden protrusion from a Japanese door frame that fits a hole in the threshold, acting as a lock when closed/(5) conclusion (of a speech, etc.)/(6) (See 落とし掛け) metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi/EntL2512880/
論結 [ろんけつ]
/(n,vs) conclusion/EntL2510080/
論断 [ろんだん]
/(n,vs) conclusion/verdict/EntL1561780X/

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